
[Showbiz Korea] Lee Sung-kyoung(이성경) & Irene(아이린, Red Velvet)! Celebrities' Gold fashion

2019-12-19 47 Dailymotion

Gold fashion
Gold is a color that is synonymous with luxury but it can also be dressed down for a casual look! So how have celebrity fashionistas been incorporating this eye-catching color into their outfits? Let’s take a look right now.

눈부신 골드 패션
고급스러움을 한껏 뽐낼 수 있는 컬러! 오늘의 주제! 눈부신 골드 패션~ 캐주얼하면서도 젠틀한 느낌을 풍기는 매력만점! 골드빛 컬러 의상을 패셔니스타들은 어떻게 활용했는지~ 지금부터 함께 살펴보자~